Daily Archives: December 6, 2011

BIRTHDAY Week! {Dear Molly}

Oh Serious One, Oh Belle of the Ball, My Molly May “Mizzle” (as Daddy likes to call you),

You sure know how to steal the show!

You are the Queen of firsts, my little Peanut. You let your sister come out first, and actually, I think you pushed her! But only so you could get to me first! And you did!

With all that moving around in there, I could have sworn I was going to birth a monkey! You are a wiggly little worm, always on the go. You rolled over first, mostly out of comfort while sleeping, which you have a knack for. You can sleep anywhere! Believe me, we appreciated it! You get an A+ for sleeping.

You crawled first, walked first, and while Lily said Mama first, you said Dada! Not that anyone’s surprised. You are Daddy’s girl. From day one you two have had a bond that is heartbreaking-ly beautiful. (and hysterical! Daddy can’t get enough of your hair!) It took us a while to get to know each other, but you and I have finally formed that unbreakable bond between mother and daughter. You are such a precious little girl.

Not one to crack a smile, when you were tiny, you had the funniest expressions! It was almost as if you were trying NOT to smile! We would crack up laughing when we took pictures of you, because you just held it all in. So serious. “Ol’ Sober Sides” as GG calls you.

Then one day, your little mouth opened up, and out came the sun! You beam when you smile. Your nose sometimes crinkles up, and your little teeth show through. I can’t get enough of it.

Now? We always know when you’re happy, we always know when you’re sad, we know when you’re angry, you are so very emotional! But my favorite emotion is when you laugh. The sweetest giggle heard ’round the world!! So high pitched and tiny, it makes my insides light up.

You definitely run this ship. You decide when it’s time to eat, when it’s time to nap, and when it’s time to play. You love to steal sissy’s toys, sippy cup, attention… always the one in control. The Leader. I see you as a very successful woman one day. A studious young lady! You love to learn, exploring your world from every angle. We can’t keep you out of anything! Fearless! You’ll climb over, under, or go around anything to get what you want. A quality I hope you’ll keep with you! You love animals, and I’m sure one day you’ll be dragging us to the store for a new kitty or puppy. You can’t get enough of them! You’re such a smart little person, Marilyn, blooming into a cuddly sweetheart of a girl. I’d buy you a litter of puppies, if I could!

I love our bottle time together after naps, how you nuzzle your little face into my neck and suck on your fingers. I want to hold you forever. There’s no better feeling in the world. I cherish it now, while you still want to cuddle.

You’re growing up so fast, it seems like every time I blink you’re doing something new. I’m going to miss these past few months. Soon you’ll be dressing yourself, riding your bike, reading to yourself, and then off to school you’ll go. My independent young girl. I hope you’ll always take care of your sister. That you’ll always help her and motivate her. I hope that you’ll be a leader and never allow anyone to tell you that you “can’t”, because you can. Of anyone in this world, Molly, you can. You are a strong willed, warm hearted tiny person with so much potential. I hope I can help you channel it into something that will make a difference in the world. I hope I am a good mother for you. You make me want to do better, think better, feel better, act better. I don’t want to cheat you out of anything that life has to offer such an amazing human being. It literally brings tears to my eyes. I want so badly to do right by you.

God puts people in your life to challenge you, in good ways and bad. You are here to challenge me in a good way. I love every day that we get to spend together, and I hope you feel the same. I hope that I don’t bore you or frustrate you. I hope I am meeting all of your wants and needs. You are a gift; a tangible, loving, living gift. I want you to know how much I appreciate you. How much I love you. My words don’t begin to explain the pleasure that is being appointed your mother. God has truly blessed me, humbled me, and taught me with your presence. I learn so much from you, and I’m happy and so proud to share my name with a such a beautiful, and one day talented, person.

I love you, Marilyn Kallay, forever and always,
