Daily Archives: December 9, 2011

A “Random” Fill in the Blank Friday {Love and Other Musings}

That’s right! I’m linking up with Shana today for some Random Musings (that is… if Shana would post a link up (hinthintnudgenudgewinkwink), and with Lauren to fill in the blanks.

Let’s be random, shall we?

    I remember when the girls and I were in the hospital, everyone coming in would obsessively use hand sanitizer, but every single nurse that came into our closet space of a room, would move one of the girls under the biohazard box (which was filling up quickly thanks to all of my medical interventions with blood transfusions, etc.). The whole thing was just… bizarre. And ironic. And also, annoying.

    You can learn a lot watching Christmas music on cable TV. Three things I learned about Christmas:
    1. Candy canes were invented to keep the children’s choir quiet during ceremonies in the 1600s. I wonder how they got the treats away when they had to actually sing. I’m positive that was a cluster fuck.
    2. Rudolph was invented by a copywriter to lure customers to Montgomery Ward in 1939. That killed my spirit a little, because I’m a big fan of Rudy. He was bullied, I was bullied, we relate to each other well. I liked his happy ending. Knowing that someone wrote the sad story just to make money makes me feel dirty for totally buying into it.
    3. The Rockettes have 78 seconds to change outfits between sets. I can barely locate and wiggle on two socks in 78 seconds in broad day light. That’s impressive.

    Santa, it seems, only visits our city on Thursdays from 4-6 pm. (And also, this Saturday: time to be announced.) Doesn’t Santa know that that’s like smack dab in the middle of the four to five o’clock fussies and then dinner time? Hello!? No wonder kids always look miserable in those pictures.

    There was a lady in front of me checking out today in the Self Checkout Lane aka the “I’m faster than the regular checkers so I prefer to do it myself and I’m not standing in that long ass line” lane. She was in one of those motorized carts (serving the elderly, handicapped, and lazy since 2010!), and she was finished purchasing, but needed some help bagging. Being the nice girl that I am who adores the elderly, I offered to help! *insert big cheesy smile here* “Would you like some help with this?” I VERY courteously inquired. She looked me up and down in her little cart and replied with a rude ‘tude, “No, I’m fine right now.” and went back to bagging as slow as molasses in January. In my head I thought “Fine, you old fat ass, do it yourself then!” which wasn’t very nice, but neither was she! I replied out loud, “Okay, I just thought I’d offer!” and smiled cheerily. I walked back to my cart and played with Lily for FIVE minutes while the lady finished with her groceries. I would have changed lanes, but at this point, I was enjoying playing with Lily and also the fact that this lady probably had sweat running down her ass from nervousness. Jerk.

    I bought some Little Debbie Christmas Tree cakes today. Don’t tell my diet. Or my husband.

    I need to get my hair redone terribly bad. My blonde is growing in and it looks gray, which is just.. terrific. Also, my bangs have grown out and are now just wannabe sexy layers rather than cute swoopy bangs. In addition, I also need to cut my talons and polish the things. I filed them two weeks ago with good intentions to polish them then, but… babies, diapers, bottles, laundry…. So now I have long nails. Again. That are still unpolished. Uncool.

    I wasn’t going to make Christmas cookies this year mostly because of the whole diet thing but then Robyn made shortbread and my mouth started watering because I wanted my grandma’s shortbread and now I have all the stuff to make shortbread. So there went that.

The End… sort of.

1. Love is not the same thing as like. Sometimes, I can’t stand the air my husband breathes, but I love him to my core, that will never change. Love isn’t a feeling, not really. It’s a verb. It’s an action. It’s a choice. I choose to love my husband in spite of all of his faults, and he chooses to love me because I’m a rock star! And also in spite of my faults.

2. Being in love feels like tummy twirls and like the future is brighter than morning light. It feels safe and unquestioning. And then real love comes in and blows the whole thing out of the water.

3. My favorite quote about love is “The couple that plays together, stays together.” but I don’t know who said it first.

4. The most important thing(s) in a relationship is(are) communication and commitment. In order for anything to work, there has to be good communication; businesses, friendships, marriages, etc., but if you want it to last? There has to be rock solid commitment, because sometimes? You don’t have anything to say.

5. A “deal breaker” for me in a relationship is when the other person has checked out. If you’re not willing to try, then why should I put my energy into it? You can’t expect one person to row a canoe and believe it will go anywhere efficiently. Eventually that person will tire out and then you’ll just be floating. That’s no fun.

6. The way I show love in my relationship is affection. I love to cuddle, hug, kiss, hold hands, and uh.. stuff. I also like to make my honey his favorite dinner, leave love notes, and remember his favorite things. (It helps when I want to give him a gift.) I love surprising him, too.

7. I love my husband.

Just so you know!! The 2012 Planners are available for purchase. That’s exciting and nerve wracking all at the same time. Let me know if you’d like information on them!

Happy Friday!