Category Archives: FoodFodder

Food Fodder: Turkey Burgers with Mushrooms & Onions

It’s the middle of Winter here, and while there’s barely any snow on the ground, it’s still too cold for me to stand over a grill outside clicking my tongs. I don’t love burgers that much. I do love them enough to make them on my stove, however. When I started The 17 Day Diet, I knew I was going to have to be creative with meals, because I’m not one of those people who can eat the same thing every day. Plus, I’m not a single girl cooking for one, I have to think about the Mr. and so far my recipes have been a hit. (Thank God, because otherwise, I might end up a single girl cooking for one.) This is one of his favorites.

I use the pre-formed turkey patties for this as opposed to making my own burgers, mostly because this is meant to be our quick meal and getting my hands all gloppy with turkey, while extremely fun, is not conducive to hurrying. I serve ours with spinach salad because the balsamic vinegar I use on the salad leaks down into the burger and makes it taste oh. so. good.

Turkey Burgers with Mushrooms and Onions
Serves 4 

4 Jennie-O Turkey Patties (Or 1 # ground turkey formed into 4 patties)
1 c. sliced mushrooms
1/2 c. sliced red onions
1 t. chopped garlic
2 T. olive oil
Reduced Fat Cheese (2% Swiss or Sharp Cheddar are my favorites)
Seasoned Salt (to taste)
Salt and Pepper (to taste)

1. Preheat a pan over med-high to high heat. Season one side of patties with seasoned salt and pepper. Add olive oil to pan, and begin searing the burgers. Season other side of burger patties with seasoned salt and pepper. Flip burgers and cook until done. DO NOT PRESS DOWN ON BURGERS, it will make them dry. Cook until browned on both sides. Add cheese to all of the burgers and put the lid on the pan to melt.

2. Set burgers aside and add mushrooms and onions to the pan. (no need to add more oil if it’s a well seasoned pan or nonstick) Sprinkle with a little bit of salt (1/4 – 1/2 t.) to release liquid from mushrooms. Cook until evenly browned.

3. Top each burger with sauteed vegetables. Serve with spinach salad, roasted cauliflower, or any other vegetable you prefer.

Want more delicious and healthy recipes? Visit the Food Fodder tab! 

This post is a part of Wednesday’s iPhone Photo Phun with a belle, a bean, & a chicago dog and Taming Insanity! Go link up!

iPhone Photo Phun