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Random Musings Friday!

Happy Friday!! I’m linking up again with Shana at Fumbling Towards Normalcy! It’s been a decent week! Probably the best I’ve had in a while. I met up with an old friend on Saturday, my mother in law hung out with us on Sunday, and the rest of the week has sort of flown by. I’ve got some leads on jobs and some direction for my life, and it feels great! Overall, a successful week!

Here are some (pretty girly) random musings:

* Don’t you love those moments when you dissolve into laughter with someone and can’t stop? That was my Thursday. My mom and I just couldn’t stop laughing yesterday. The girls were being uncharacteristically uh… difficult, which made my job hunting that much easier yesterday. Hahaha! I don’t know how babies can scream so much and for such long periods of time and still have functioning vocal chords, but they can and they do. It was such a train wreck that we couldn’t. stop. laughing. I wrote about it for you, to let you share in our fun. If you need a belly laugh today, go check it out!

** I found a new website that’s a lot like Pinterest, but it’s so much faster! Food Gawker. Have you heard of it? They also have tiles of crafts, weddings, and dwellings. Just be careful, like Pinterest, it’s highly addicting. Especially since it’s so much faster.

The Nail Files

*** I had a really fun weekend last weekend. I met up with an old friend (think junior high, braces, and awkwardness old) and we had a blast! We had coffee and girl talk, and I also met a new friend! It’s such a great feeling to pick up where you left off with an old friend. I’m so happy to have some friends in town now! We had mani/pedis so my toes no longer look like they could maim an innocent bystander. I’m wearing Carry On (fingers) with a Splash of Grenadine (toes) both by Essie. It’s entirely apropos.

Pretty, yes? Don’t you love our fancy “shoes”?

Carry On!

Splash of Grenadine (mine are on the left!)

Splash of Grenadine & Carry On

(For those that are curious… the other toe color was Houston, We Have a Purple by O.P.I. We had a good chuckle about that, what with all the Whitney Houston festivities that day and all. Oh, irony, we love you.)

**** I’m patiently awaiting the sugar scrub I won from Krysten’s giveaway at Why Girls Are Weird a couple of weeks ago from Happy Button Soap Co. I can’t wait to try it out! Krysten’s currently giving away a $50 gift certificate to Uncommon Goods in celebration of her 1000th post! Can you imagine!? 1000 posts! Way to go, Krysten! Go check it out and enter!

***** February has been kind of a beauty month for me. I discovered e.l.f. (eyes lips face) cosmetics a few months ago and fell in love. I recently ran out of foundation, so I ran to Meijer, and tried some of the new Photo Ready Foundation by Revlon. Ugh. The color was wrong, it was too cakey… so not what I wanted. I looked like I was trying out for the next Twilight movie… as a vampire. NEXT! So I returned all of the stuff I bought at Meijer (thank you generous return policies!) and turned to e.l.f. I found a code on Retail Me Not and got my whole order for 50% off. I bought foundation, powders, lip gloss, eye shadows, face primer (which is officially my new favorite face product), and a whole truck load of Wen. What can I say? QVC had a sale. (I think I just confirmed that I’m an old lady.)

Beauty Haul!

****** Speaking of Wen… Have you ever heard of it? (I laughed out loud just then.) I should ask, are you hiding under a rock to avoid hearing anymore about Wen? Well, I’m not, and I am officially a Wen girl. My hair is so soft, so manageable, so frizz LESS… I can’t believe I didn’t try it sooner. My mother in law let me try her Sweet Almond Mint formula one weekend and then sent me home with a bottle to try it out. I fell in love after just a few washes, then my mom tried it and fell in love with it (her hair has never looked healthier), and now we’re a big ol’ gaggle of Wen girls. Wanna see a picture? Sure ya do! This is my hair air dried using only the Fig Wen Conditioning Cleanser to wash my hair, a tiny bit of Wen Conditioning Cleanser as a leave in conditioner and a couple swipes of the Texturizing Balm on my hands. (Usually I use full strength conditioner as my “leave in” and then a whole golf ball of hair gel (no exaggeration! I’ve kept Garnier in business), and even then it still gets frizzy.)

New e.l.f. makeup, too! LOVE the Minty Lip Gloss in Nashville! ❤

******* I saw a commercial for Multigrain Cheerios Peanut Butter last week, and because I love Cheerios, peanut butter, and Reese’s cereal, I thought this might be a nice substitute. So I bought a box. It’s my new favorite cereal. All the yummy peanut butter taste without all the Reese’s for breakfast guilt! Amen! Then we did this to them…

Chocolate Cheerios with Peanut Butter Captain Crunch on the left! Multigrain Cheerios Peanut Butter on the right! You're welcome!

Just follow the recipe for regular Rice Krispy treats. (1 bag of marshmallows & 1/2 stick of butter, melted together, stir in 6 cups of cereal. Press into a (sprayed) pan. Voy-lay! Treats!)

******** I discovered that being the one to always change the toilet paper roll is actually a good thing, contrary to popular opinion. Reason being, the person who always avoids it, has to really scrimp on their toilet paper to ensure they are not the one to change the roll. I, on the other hand, may use as much toilet paper as my little heart desires! That’s my PSA for the day!

I hope you all had a fantastic week! I’m looking forward to a great weekend!

Happy Friday!

Don’t forget to link up with Shana for some Random Musings, and with Vicki to show off those nails!