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Going Back to Work! {The Bright Side}

I was playing with the girls this morning with my mom and it occurred to me (as Lily screamed over a stolen toy and Molly head butted the floor) that there are some obvious benefits to going back to work, even if it is three years before originally planned, and a few things I will have to remove from my vocabulary. I’m going to miss the girls and some of their milestones, which makes me sad since I’ve been there for all of it up to this point, but we’ll make it work. Just trying to look on the bright side!

Things To Look Forward To:

1. Dangly earrings!
2. Eating an entire lunch without having to shovel down the last ten bites into one ginormous forkful.
3. A whole song on the radio. (rather than Mary Had a Litt…I’ve Been Workin’ on the…Mary Had a Litt…Here We Go ‘Round The Mulber…Mary Had a Litt…) If you’re a mom, you know.
4. Conversation.
5. Getting paid in money after a hard day’s work rather than dishes and dirty bath towels.
6. No one will scream at me at high decibels. In my bad ear.
7. No one will come to my cubicle and throw themselves down on the ground in a tantrum.
8. Having to take a break, by law.
9. Meeting new people, who don’t bite.
10. Sitting.

Things I Shouldn’t (Won’t Have To) Say To Coworkers:

1. NO!
2. Stop throwing your food on the floor!
3. Sit down on your butt!
4. She had it first sweetie!
5. Don’t stand on the chair!
6. Did you make a stinky?
7. Let’s change your pants!
8. You need a nap.
9. Eat your lunch!
10. Get down!
11. Don’t pull my hair!
12. No biting/pinching/scratching/hitting!
14. What does the “B” say?
15. Peek-A-Boo!!!
16. Where’s your belly button? (lifts up shirt!) THERE IT IS!
17. Not for babies (coworkers)!
18. Do you want your sippy?
19.  (random animal noise)
20. Don’t headbutt me! That hurts!
Are you a working mom? Of course you miss your kids, but what are some of your favorite benefits to working outside of the home?