Blog Archives

Stream of Consciousness Sunday! {Can I have five minutes?}

I love finding a new blog to read. It’s like finding a pot of gold, and then digging deeper only to find diamonds! Oooo! I found all.things.fadra from the SITS Featured Blog post on Friday. This blog is now in my “must read” pile. She’s really funny, and really insightful in a non-irritating kind of way, and I know you know what I’m talking about. Every Sunday she hosts a link-up called Stream of Consciousness Sunday. You pick your topic, you write without stopping for five minutes, and you post it. While writing, there is no spell checking nor editing allowed. Just write. That’s right, just let it all out. When you’re done? Post. And link-up with Fadra. I’ve done something similar to this before. It was odd, but fun, too. I used to love doing this in high school, and I’m so excited to do it again. Here we go!


Saturday night I had the weirdest dream. I was reading my own obituary and then suddenly, I was writing it. What’s that? I’m sure it stemmed from Friday’s post about what I wanted people to think of me, and it seeped so far down into my psyche that I’m now dreaming about my own damn obituary. Creepy.

{Stop interrupting me. Yes. On low. For 6 -8 hours.}

Then I got to thinking some more, what *do* people really think of me? Do people know I love God? Do they know that I pray? That I thank him daily for all of the random things? Do people think I’m funny? *I* think I’m funny, but don’t we always? Does my family think I’m talented or do they think I’m just playing around on the computer all day? Do they even care? Do people think I’m confident?

And now I think, why do I care? Why do we always, especially as women, care what other people think? I know who I am and that’s

{Stop interrupting me! Can I have five minutes????}

I’ve lost my train of thought, again. That’s frustrating when you’re a writer — needing to get something out of your head, but no one will give you a second. It’s almost like you *have* to be a night owl to get any damn thing done. Either that or think faster, write faster, miss steps, stop editing, and just suck at it. Five minutes. That’s all I wanted.