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Less Words Wednesday

As promised: Baby Pictures!

Welcome to Less Words Wednesday! Everyone knows that I never shut up, so Wordless Wednesday will probably never happen. Pictures need explanation! Right? Right.

Let’s just call this the:


Top Story: Lily and Molly Fight Crowds to Pet Bunny, Goat

Last Saturday, we took the girls to a little town in Michigan for Pumpkinfest. I’ve gone a couple of years now, mostly for my niece and nephew, but also because I love parades. Marching Bands always choke me up, and yes, even the bands playing Lady Gaga. There’s some correlation between college football, loud drums, and all that, but I’m overtired and eating carrots for lunch, so that poetry will have to wait for another day. Before the parade we followed the crowd and went over to the makeshift petting zoo. I knew, from last year when I waddled around in the rain all twin belly and swollen feet, that there were some seriously fluffy bunnies that you just have to sink your hands into. Molly loves animals, so I thought she would go bananas and pet, pet, pet.

Not so much.

We came across a goat first. A hot and heavily panting goat at that. He was sweet, which I never imagined a goat to be. He didn’t faint though, which was highly disappointing given my newly found interest in goats of this variety. He let me pet him while Molly looked on at the strangest looking dog she’d ever seen. She looked at me, she looked at him, grabbed her buzzy berry** and decided she’d seen enough. Alrighty!

We moved onto the bunnies and Lily about came unglued with excitement. I was shocked. Molly loves animals and this whole petting zoo thing was really for her. Turns out, Lily also loves animals. Especially animals with large ears and fluffy bodies. Molly was apprehensive at first, but eventually tried her hand at this petting zoo thing. Lily gently patted the bunny and hummed to her new friend. I am a terrible mother and do not have a video of said event.

Molly didn’t get it and wasn’t too impressed at first, but then… First chance she got, she grabbed this poor unsuspecting white bunny’s fuzz and yanked. She thought it was hilarious. I’m unsure if the bunny shared her sentiment, because it didn’t move. Creepy bunny plays dead. What was even less not funny than yanking the bunny’s hair was going all elephant ear dripping butter and sugar on it and eating the bunny fuzz. I mean, gross.

Top left, poor fluffy bunny never knew it was coming.

And now I was done with the petting zoo fun. I snapped a couple of pictures of Ryan and the chickens stuffed in their cage, buckled the babes into the stroller, we washed our hands at their make shift hand washing area, and high tailed it to the food court.

I probably had a corn dog and a few fries of my mom’s after standing in line for what seemed like an entire birthing process. We walked to our parade spot and fed the girls, ate our food, and waited patiently for the parade to begin. I was praying to the parade gods that the girls would enjoy it and that we wouldn’t be those parents who brought their poor babies to a loud and scary parade. We weren’t! The girls loved it, Molly bobbed her head and hummed along with the music, Lily sang, in a shouty baby screamy kind of way and danced. Success! I have exactly zero pictures of the parade though. So. Crap!

It was a hot sweaty day, just ask the goat, so when the parade ended we said our goodbyes and went home, just as the girls were starting to voice their discontent. You have to love perfect timing.

In Brief:

Molly learned to climb the stairs. She’s quite proud.

Lily waits patiently for food, but not without sarcasm.

Toilet paper keeps babies entertained while Grandma is at a loss for new ideas. Turns out, toilet paper is the new idea.

I just love these teeth.

Who needs toys when you have empty bottles anyway?

The clothes in the dryer go round and round, round and round, round and round…


In Unrelated News:

My Honey Bunny Boo Boo can build a gorgeous mantel. Yes he can.

** buzzy berry – a vibrating teething plastic strawberry or blackberry that needed a name other than “Vibrating Teething Plastic Strawberry/Blackberry” and you can’t in good conscious call it a vibrator, well, maybe you can. I can’t. And buzzy berry was born.