Starting BIRTHDAY Week Right!

It's BIRTHDAY Week!!!!

Good Monday Morning! I totally feel like THAT! ^

Now that BIRTHDAY week has officially arrived, let’s get the party started, shall we!?


I am so proud, elated, and excited to announce my very first sponsor, my friend, Shelli of Minnesota Meets California! Shelli and I have known each other for a few years now, through the amazing community that is blogging, and she is working on her Directorship with everyone’s favorite smell goods, Scentsy! So, we’re throwin’ a party!

If you need any Scentsy products, now is the time to stock up! Spring is around the corner and it’s time to retire those baked goods for some fresh, Springy scents, yes? The party starts TODAY and will go through the end of March, in honor of BIRTHDAY! We can’t have a party without a door prize, right? To start the party with a BANG, Shelli is giving away this beautiful, totally appropriately named Charitable Cause Warmer: Heartfelt.

Here’s a description:

Scentsy is proud to support the American Heart Association! Help save a life with “Heartfelt”, Scentsy’s newest Charitable Cause Warmer, designed to support the work of the American Heart Association. This nationwide non-profit organization raises money to fund lifesaving research and to educate people about cardiovascular disease – the leading killer of Americans. To make the most of this contribution opportunity, Heartfelt is priced at $35.00.

You all know, if you’re a long time reader, that the American Heart Association is a charity that has recently become very close to my heart, literally. After recently recovering from Postpartum Cardiomyopathy, a type of heart disease developed in 1% of women during pregnancy with a 50% mortality rate, I feel extremely blessed and indebted to foundations like this that support women’s heart health and education. So, as you can imagine, I am extremely excited about this giveaway, but even more thankful that I get to celebrate BIRTHDAY with you all!

I wanted you all to get to know Shelli, because she is a fantastic, positive, hardworking, gracious, and wonderful woman of many, many talents. A blogger, a beautiful cookie decorator, a Scentsy extraordinaire, a mother, a wife, a student, and so much more! Read on to learn more about Shelli, and to learn how to enter to win this fantastic door prize!

Tell us a little about yourself!

I’m Shelli!  I currently live in the Central Valley of California, originally raised in Hawaii.  I’m happily married and between my husband and myself, we have the Brady Bunch beat by three! My husband has six grown adult kiddos back in Minnesota, and I have three amazing kiddos that I’m so utterly proud of as well!!  My baby (soon to be sixteen) is the youngest of the bunch and the only one left in the household!!  I’m a full time student pursuing my Bachelors in Criminal Justice, majoring in Forensic Psychology. I’m also an Independent Scentsy Consultant and I work my business like it’s a normal 40 hour a week job! (So… do you sleep or…?)

I started seriously blogging when I was planning our Destination Wedding back in early 2010. Now, I’m not a ‘professional’ blogger by any means, but I did make my blog pretty and all. It was a place where I can journal my life after meeting my husband and starting life over per se.  There are spurts throughout my blogging life where I let a week…perhaps two…okay, okay….sometimes months go by without a blog post at all.  But I always come back and update! When you have a few spare minutes, please visit my blog ~ “Minnesota Meets California” ~ grab yourself a glass of wine, and enjoy all my shenanigans.  Mind you….while it used to be an every day thing where I’d make it a priority to enter a blog post….don’t let the gap in posts stop you from reading older posts.  There sure are some funny ones! (There totally are!)

What made you interested in selling Scentsy products?

I had been purchasing Scentsy products for a few years.  I fell in love with the idea of the Wickless Warmers and the safety aspect of the entire concept!  I love the fact that every Fall / Winter and Spring / Summer, new scents are introduced along with new products!!!  Having been in the Direct Sales / Party Plan business in the past, I thought, you know, I could be making money off of my own Scentsy purchases!  So I had a party in July of 2011, signed up in August, and since then (seven months) I’ve been promoted three times, knocking on the door of promoting again at the end of this month, and I have an AMAZING group of fourteen women on my team!! (That is a huge accomplishment!)

What are your three favorite products and scents?

One of my favorite products has actually NOT been released to our customers yet, but will be launching in May!  I CAN share with you however the idea, as well a photo!  Are you ready for this?!? (Uh… yeah! I love sneak peaks! Being in the know is totally my thing.) 

(Do they make these in bath size?)

My second favorite product is our Full Size “Faith” Warmer.  It just speaks volumes in itself and I’m reminded daily when I smell the amazing aroma of Strawberry Sweetie warming in my Faith Warmer  that “Faith” is something everyone must hold onto. (This makes my heart warm.) 

My third favorite product is our Scentsy Buddies!!  I love the fact that they come with a Scent Pak of your choice so that Buddy of yours can have that scent lingering where ever you take your Buddy with you!!!

Here’s my three favorite Scents:  (For now at least!!)

1)  Two Harbors

2)  Perfectly Pomegranate

3)  Vanilla Cream

What are you most looking forward to this year?

Business wise, I’m most looking forward to achieving my goal of attaining Director status with Scentsy by August, as well as spending three days with my Scentsy sisters in Las Vegas late July for our Annual Convention!!  (You can totally do this!)

On a personal level, I’m most looking forward to our Family Reunion in September, my youngest daughter’s Sweet Sixteen Birthday Bash in October, and continuing to have a relationship with God.

What was your favorite BIRTHDAY so far?

My most favorite birthday….hmmmm…. I have to say all of my birthdays for the past 24 years have been my most favorite!  Since my birthday either falls right around, if not ON Mother’s Day, since my son was born 24 years ago, I’ve had the most precious birthdays ever!!

What makes you happiest in your life?

I’m blessed! I wake up every morning, and spend it here on God’s green earth, and that makes me happy!! I’m happiest when my friends and family are healthy!!  I’m not gonna lie….. I’m super MOST happiest when I have a Venti Caramel Frappuccino with Caramel around the cup in my hot little hands! (*face palm* I need to find you a Caribou, honey. Doesn’t California have good coffee? :D) 

You know what makes ME happy!?


So here we go!

(Required)TO ENTER:
Leave a comment sharing your favorite Scentsy scent, or what makes you happiest in life.
Go ahead and be long winded. I *love* reading your comments.

(Please leave separate comments for each extra entry, so I can count them correctly.)

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Tweet this: “It’s Happy #BIRTHDAY Week @kallaydoscope! Come join the party, and enter to win a fantastic Scentsy door prize!” (2 entries!)

Blog about the giveaway and BIRTHDAY! (2 entries!)

Don’t forget about the online party! Stock up on your Spring Scentsy now! If you decide to purchase something from Shelli, let me know, and you will be given FIVE extra entries!

I can’t wait to see who wins this fantastic prize! The drawing will be done next Monday, March 19 and the winner will be announced here! We’re just getting started, you guys! We still have TWO more giveaways this week, and one FANTASTIC reveal on Wednesday! Stay tuned!


Posted on March 12, 2012, in BIRTHDAY, Giveaways, Holidays and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 11 Comments.

  1. I love anything cinnamon flavored for sure, and what makes me happy is seeing my son happy. We just took him to Disney for the first time and seeing him take in the sights was really magical. I’ve reached the second part of my life, I guess, where I’m transferring Disney magic to him 😉

  2. Ohhh where in the Central Valley? I love meeting new bloggers in the same area(ish).

    I don’t own any Scentsy products currently, but my happiness right now is on doing things I didn’t think I could do. I love a good challenge and will ride that high for awhile!

  3. I’m a twitter follower


    Right this minute I have Be Still going on my warmer so I’ll choose that as one of my fav scents!

  5. I follow you on Twitter.

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