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Random Musings Friday!


Good Friday morning to you! It’s been a hilarious and random week around here. I also added a couple of new recipes to the arsenal! (This Roasted Garlic Shrimp and Broccoli is a new fave!)Check out the improved Food Fodder tab, and if you haven’t already, read this. It’s a whole lot of funny. Now for some random musings from the week. Linking up with the fantastic, Shana!

* Ryan’s been home this week, and as much as I love him, I still stand by my previous statement. We went grocery shopping on Tuesday, and let me tell you, I wasn’t belly laughing. As helpful as it is to have someone help me shop, I’d almost rather pile the girls in the cart and go myself. Things were going fine until about five minutes into the trip when we had to decide which oranges to get the girls. I like to get the seedless oranges, because as much as I love the price of the seeded oranges, picking out seeds before the girls eat a fruit is tedious and annoying. When the choir is shouting at me to come on already, the last thing I want to be doing is dilly dallying about with orange seeds. Well, Ryan found some oranges that I’d never heard of that are dark orange and he swore didn’t have seeds. Wrong-O! There is a seed in every. single. segment. of the orange. If you need me, I’ll be picking seeds out of oranges for the next week.

** After the orange debacle, I knew I was going to have to speed things along and have him collect things that are more cut and dry than find oranges without the seeds. I sent him to get thick cut pork chops, potatoes, yellow or red (and he came back with white), and spinach. The rest was up to me, I knew, because one item was going to be like trying to find the big money in Supermarket Sweep, and I had no idea where on Earth to start. Common sense told me it might be in the baking and spice section, so I wandered over and started reading all of the labels looking for a conspicuous “X” for xanthan gum. I found a recipe to make my own low fat, sugar free coffee creamer, and this is the key ingredient for thickening my concoction. I got about halfway through, and up walks Ryan with a whole slew of questions, “What else do we need?” “What are you looking for?””Are we done after this?” “Can I helps?” “Is the sky blue?” “Am I pretty?” Wait… that might be me. The aisle was filled with people, and every attempt I made at communicating that I was just looking for an ingredient really quickly was followed up with another question, thus distracting me from my adventures in tiny label reading. I gave up. I couldn’t find any Xs, and Molly started voicing her concerns, loudly, and I was over it. I’ll just order it online.

*** Molly was in full blown baby meltdown by the time we reached the self checkout. (I’m faster than the average checker, so I always do the self checkout now.) I’m boogieing right along when all of a sudden, simultaneously, Molly screams, my tortillas wouldn’t scan, and Ryan asks “Can I have a pop?” Deep breath.

**** Ryan and I choose movies on Netflix alternately so we’re not stuck watching all stupid boy movies or all romantic comedies. The latest movie in his arsenal was Paul. (Quick Review: It’s pretty funny in some parts, if you have the sense of humor of adolescents like we do, but the plot is ridiculous. Paul is an alien from Area 51 who escapes and is trying to get to his spaceship to return home by signaling with fireworks. Two guys from Comic-con aid Paul in his quest, and as their journey continues, chaos follows. People die, stuff blows up, etc.) AnyBmovie, I asked him Wednesday night if he wanted to watch it. His response, “We can!” (insert large sigh) Ryan and I both do this, and we both know that “We can!” means “Not really, jerk.” We do this to each other all the time.

Me: “Honey, do you want me to make chicken for dinner?”
Ryan: “You can!”

Ryan: “Babe, do you want to go do something?” (in the rain and slush with two babies who are nearing the five o’clock fussies)
Me: “Not really, but we can!”

Are we the only couple that does this? That is, communicate in suggested tones and references?

*****  I did our taxes this week, and was all in a tizzy after I did our state taxes because we had to pay a whole $30. We didn’t pay anything last year, so I was confused. It took me a whole night’s sleep to realize that we had more credits last year, and therefore had more taxable income. Genius! What’s weird is that we’re still getting a pretty nice refund. Riddle me that, Batman.

I hope you had a great week! Don’t forget to stop by tomorrow for a few more questions from the 50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind series!